Church focuses on growing disciples, serving community
The Rev. Erik Grayson is in his first appointment at Aldersgate UMC in North Charleston, S.C., and in those six years they have begun to see much fruit in their discipleship efforts.
A disciple is one who knows Christ, is growing in Christ, serving Christ, and sharing Christ.
How One Church is Supporting Frontline Workers
At First United Methodist Church in Yukon, Oklahoma, we lift up a way that we, as a church, can be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. To date, we have made over 200 masks for hospitals and doctors’ offices around the state.
An Irish pastor living in Chemnitz, Germany, the heart of the neo-Nazi movement, helps transform a neighborhood and its people. The story of Rev. Barry Sloan will challenge you and make you question everything your church is doing to engage your community.
The Future of Discipleship
As we think about the future of discipleship, we can learn much from the African American church tradition. The love, the faithfulness, and the discipleship in the Black Church offer aspirational insight into how all of our church relationships can look.
If we are serious about changing the culture in our churches, we need to get serious about discipleship.
Church Reaches Out to Community by Delivering Groceries
At Edmond First United Methodist Church, our mission statement is “Connecting people with God and Neighbor,” and this spiritual thesis statement holds true today, even with an empty sanctuary. Our grocery shopping program has been a joint effort between those who need to stay inside for safety and to flatten the curve and those who can more safely shop or use grocery pick-up.
More and more churches and leaders are recognizing that we must have a relentless focus on making and growing disciples, and move away from fixing churches.
In our current landscape, more and more churches are beginning to add an online presence. Use this new booklet to strengthen what you are currently doing and expand your online discipleship efforts around Worship, Generosity, New Member Orientation, and so much more!
Discipleship begins with relationships. Use these tools for social media to share how you #SeeAllThePeople.
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Whether you’ve taken steps to #SeeAllthePeople, or have no idea what that means, tell us what you’re doing in your community or something like that.
Share Your Intentional Discipleship System
Would you like to share your Intentional Discipleship System for the good of others? Upload an image and a one page description of how your church intentional forms disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Questions to consider as you articulate your system: - How does your church create space for people to explore spirituality and Christianity? - How does your church intentionally invite people into a life of discipleship? -
Once they begin their journey, how do they grow in their newfound faith? - How do they continue to grow in faith? - What does a maturing disciple look like in your context?
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